Legal notices

In summary with the information debt recogido in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 of July, of Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico, a continuación, se reflejan los siguientes datos: RESACRILS.L., with domicilio has these effects in Pol. Ind. L’Altero, Avenida Del Palmar, 8 46460 Silla (Valencia), with identification number: B96848098. Electronic contact line: of the web site.
– Use of the website
The web page offers information on the artist’s activity.
The user of the web, while accessing and navigating through the Internet, is obliged to comply with the conditions of use and compliance and use in accordance with the law at the moment and has the conditions established in this legal notice, the moral and the good costumes are generally accepted and the public order.
The user will respond, if there are any harm and perjury that may cause them as a result of the failure to comply with this obligation.
– Modification of conditions and duration
RESACRIL S.L. may modify at any time the conditions that have been determined, if they are definitely published as they appear.
The observance of the city’s conditions will depend on its exposure and will be maintained until it is clearly published, which has been modified for other reasons.
– Applicable legislation
The relationship between RESACRIL S.L. and USUARIO is governed by current Spanish standards and any controversies that are subject to the jurisdictions and tribunals of the city of Valencia.